Practice Areas

Compliance & Regulatory Consulting


Our compliance and regulatory consulting practice creates customized plans to help you meet your needs as an enterprise while controlling costs and being compliant. We routinely monitor federal, state and local laws and regulations and provide strategic consulting on the short-term and long-term impact to your organization. Our compliance and regulatory services help you understand how the requirements apply to your business activities and minimize risk to the organization.

Key services offered include:

  • compliance discussions centering on strategic guidance, development or supervision of internal controls, regulatory expectations, and resolving or triaging complex compliance or regulatory issues;

  • training, including general compliance, diversity and inclusion, operational risk, anti-money laundering, compliance, cybersecurity training, ethics, identify theft prevention, sexual harassment, risk management program, Volcker Rule and other compliance-oriented or regulatory trainings;

  • compliance reviews, independent testing and audits, including annual anti-money laundering exams, email reviews or risk reviews;

  • development of a flagging system, including identification of compliance-related red or yellow “flags”;

  • regulatory guidance and updates; and

  • urgent remediation assistance.